When you grin like an idiot over the relationship issues and sarcastic comments from the good guys and when you start a hate-love relationship with the bad guys, then you know the author must have done it right. Crown of Conspiracy is a heart-melting fantasy novel and a must read for everyone from young adult to romance fantasy.
An engaging story with some dark unexpected twists wrapped in a refreshingly comfortable read...
The fortitude of character shown by the main character against everything the antagonists throw at her is astounding.
The Ilvannia Chronicles start in Ilvanna, a country ruled by a queen (Tari) where only women can be heirs to the throne--an ancient idea the current Tarien (Shalitha/FMC) would love to tear down. Noble women generally do not fight, but Shalitha does. She's everything they didn't expect a Tarien (princess) to be. The rest of the story takes us to Therondia, Ilvanna's neighboring country, Zihrin, Kyrinth and Naehr.
Indie Author. Imaginitive. Storyteller

In real life, I’m a rather quiet, introverted person who enjoys meeting people, but I love being on my own just as much. I live in the Netherlands with my husband, two children and a cat, where I teach English in Secondary school by day, and am an aspiring author by night.
Fantasy has always been my first love. Around the age of thirteen, my mother gave me the Dutch version of the Lord of the Rings. It was absolutely amazing, and truly stunning, but for a reason I can’t remember, I wanted to read it in English. I loved it even more, and decided I was never going back to reading Dutch books, except those necessary for school, obviously.
The problem was that English paperbacks were hard to come by those days, so I frequently travelled to Amsterdam where I’d found a bookstore with a wide variety of fantasy authors. Amongst my first books were the Deverry series by Katherine Kerr, and I think that’s when my real love started, and my budding wish to become an author took fruition.
Sadly, I left it to be that; a wish. While I did write entire novel-length, bookworthy manuscripts, by the time I graduated high school, and was forced to decide what to do with the rest of my life, I left writing for what it was. The wish remained.
Fast forward to 2018 when I was challenged by a friend to participate in NaNoWriMo. I figured I had nothing left to lose, so I grabbed my laptop on the 1st of November, dusted off an ancient prophecy I’d come up with in my teens, and started writing for thirty long days, accompanied by coffee, cookies, chocolate and music.
A week after NaNoWriMo, I finished the first draft and started on the second, having a pretty good idea of where I wanted the story to go, and it was during that time I began to realise my lifelong dream might not be a dream anymore.
It had become a wish with a plan.