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With Quill & Ink: March News & Updates

Foto van schrijver: Kara S. WeaverKara S. Weaver

All right, fair enough, March is already almost over, so perhaps it's more of a goodbye March than a hello. Nevertheless, I didn't want to let the month pass without writing a blog, but it's been so hectic that I didn't have the time. Maybe hectic isn't the right word, either. Yes, I've had a lot going on, but at the same time, my health's been taking a little nosedive again, leaving me exhausted and without the energy to actually post anything. Even so, I've got some exciting news to share with you. In my previous blog post, I mentioned something exciting going on that would change things for me and my family, but at the time, I didn't quite know anything yet. I've had a job interview at the start of March, and I have the follow up interview next week where I will hopefully be signing a contract. Nothing's official yet, but things have to go completely awry for this job to fall through. I'll be leaving education after 13 years (11 of which I have worked at this school). On the one hand, it's bittersweet because I do enjoy teaching. On the other hand, I cannot wait to get out of here because I can't quite agree with the methods anymore. On top of that, my health no longer agrees with education, either. It has become too much, and to the detriment of family life. It may mean I have a little less time for writing, but that being said, I hope to have finished book 4 by then!

What am I currently working on?

Wellll, still book 4, but I can now promise I am nearing the end! About 5 chapters left, give or take! If all goes well, I'll be publishing this book soon!

What am I watching?

At the moment, I am not watching a lot, simply because I am spending more time writing, reading, and working out!

My husband and I are currently watching Blindspot. We watched season 1 years ago when it came out on our regular network, but we recently found out all the seasons can now be found on Prime. I really enjoy the show because of how they went about the puzzles in the tattoos. Besides, I love Jaime Alexander, in Blindspot and as Lady Sif. She plays badass women quite convincingly if you ask me.

What am I reading?

I promised to let you know my thoughts on 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' by Scott Flynch. To be honest, I had a hard time getting through it, until I hit about the 2/3rd mark. Lynch has done a lot of worldbuilding and character development in the first part, which I do think was necessary to set up the last Arc of the book (and probably the other two books in the series). Once I got to the exciting part, I finished the book within a day, and I cannot wait to start on book 2. My current read is:

City of Brass is the book club choice for April, and I am absolutely in love with the world, and the storytelling, and the author's writing style. It's magical, mystical, imaginitive, and the characters and the world are well developed. Every day, I'm looking forward to picking up the book, even if it's only going to be a few pages. As with the Lies of Locke Lamora, I cannot wait to start on book 2! Choices, choices.

Up next on the Blog

  • April News & Updates

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